1984 – General Operations Plan for the SEPTA Regional High Speed System

More Historic Maps of Philadelphia Transit ⫸
Before SEPTA released its new transit map in 2019, the transit agency did a series of what-if maps in the style of other worldwide transit agencies called Transit Map Tuesdays. Check them out below.




Los Angeles


Germany (Berlin, Köln, and Stuttgart)

New York



It’s a cottage industry among designers, transit nerds and planning geeks to try their hand at improving a transit map, especially the oft-maligned SEPTA map. Here is a collection of some of the best ones I’ve come across over they years.
If I haven’t provided proper credit for a map, please give me the details and I will make sure to praise those who took the time to try and make a better Philadelphia transit map.
2014 – Peter Dovak
One of our favorite alternatives to the SEPTA map is this design by Peter Dovak. The design is clean and balanced, doing an excellent job of showcasing regional rail, subway/elevated, trolley and even New Jersey entries like the River Line and Atlantic City Line. Sadly Dovak passed away in 2017.

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